Friday, April 17, 2009

Making Tapioca Pearls for Bubble Tea

Since many wanted to know how to make these tapioca pearls, I decided to share my secret :) Tapioca Pearls come in a wide variety of colours, and sizes. You want to make sure you get the dark brown/black coloured ones.

Tapioca Pearls
Brown Sugar
White Sugar

  1. You want to start off by boiling enough water so that the amount of tapioca pearls you put in doesn't touch the bottom.
  2. When the water is boiled you want to put your tapioca pearls in. Don't put it in before the water has reached it's boiling point, or they will melt away.
  3. You continue to boil your tapioca pearls at med-high for approximately an hour, stirring every few minutes to insure that they aren't sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  4. At this point, you can strain the tapioca pearls.
  5. Now in the same pot you're going to make a simple syrup by placing a ratio of 2 sugar to 1 water (ex. if you use 1 cup each of white and brown sugar, use one cup of water). When the sugar has dissolved, turn off the heat and put your tapioca pearls in the syrup.
  6. Let your tapioca pearls sit in the simple syrup for approximately 30 minutes so that they're sweetened, and your finished!
You can make your bubble tea with any flavouring that you want. Just be sure to sweeten your tea with the simple syrup your pearls were soaking in, and use any black or green tea.

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